Die Chorleiter
Frauenchor - Männerchor - Youth Chorus: Für jeden ist etwas dabei, und die Chorleitung mit Spitzencoaches lässt wieder große Erlebnisse für Teilnehmer und Publikum erwarten.
The Barbershop Music Festival in spring 2018 only lasted 3 days, but these 3 days seem to have left a lasting impression on the a cappella scene in Germany.
After articles on the blog of Ninas Voxbox and Dr. Liz Garnett, there is also an article in the German magazin Chorzeit, which can now also be read digitally.
As a small association in Germany BinG! is very positively surprised by the response this year and is pleased to be able to participate more actively in the a cappella sccene in Germany, e.g. to become a member of the German Choir Association this year.
Frauenchor - Männerchor - Youth Chorus: Für jeden ist etwas dabei, und die Chorleitung mit Spitzencoaches lässt wieder große Erlebnisse für Teilnehmer und Publikum erwarten.
The Barbershop Music Festival inspired guests from near and far in Munich. 3 days of pure musical and optical fireworks, just like the motto "Pure A Cappella - Pure Power".
More information can be found here.
In response to popular demand, we have now published the regulations for the competitions conducted by BinG! We have also begun to make available the results of our past quartet and chorus competitions - both nationally and internationally. The collection here will of course be contually expanded.
Since recently there are great shirts and other merchandise to order for the Barbershop Music Festival. With the flashy logo of this year's event, the shirt is an eye-catcher everywhere.
Not a BinG! event, but nevertheless highly recommended: Ringmasters and Hör Bänd, young talent comedy a-cappella band from Hannover, will perform at the Humboldtsaal Freiburg on January 23, 2018. The concert was organized by Jazzchor Freiburg and materialized at a really short notice.