Our further education offers: BinG! invests in training!
For our association the education and training of our members stands in the first place and our team of committed BinG! members takes care of it with heart blood to create for you a large selection. At the moment we offer you the following training possibilities:

Harmony College

Established for the first time in 2019, the A CAPPELLA YOUTHCAMP is designed to inspire young people between the ages of 16 and 25 to Barbershop!

BinG! Coaches
On the following pages you will find coaches who have been trained by our association and are being trained (in the Coaching Certification Program) or who we recommend by their outstanding quality.


Does your choir want to deal more intensively with the choir's identity and get feedback, such as repertoire, rehearsals or how the musical leadership team is perceived by the singers? Or would you like to learn how the initiatives of the management team fit in?
Then THINK! is certainly interesting.

International Ressources

BinG! Arrangers

BinG! Youthchorus
The BinG! youth chorus, founded in 2019, meets regularly for concerts. It is for all who are between 16 and 30 years old and have some experience in barbershop. With this we support our own youth in the areas of singing, conducting, choreography, leadership etc... A website is under construction!
The Youth Chorus Team can be reached at: jugendchor@barbershop.de

Chorus director education and training
In this rather new team, we are currently developing opportunities to train our own directors and promote new directors. For this we want to develop our own ideas, but also integrate experiences and initiatives that already exist in BinG! member groups.
The team can be reached at: