Here we meet and celebrate our common passion, singing in our community!
We cordially invite everyone to our events.

Barbershop Musicfestival 2020
Every two years the German barbershop choirs and quartets meet to choose the new title winners at the national championships in the barbershop. The World Mixed of Quartets has been running in parallel since 2012 and the World Mixed of Choirs since 2018 - the World Championships in Mixed Barbershop Singing.

Harmony College
The emotional center of our association is the annual Harmony College. In a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere we learn from the best and enjoy the Afterglow!
European Harmony Brigade (EHB)
Harmony Brigades are events where barbershoppers meet to perform quartet singing for an entire weekend. Everyone learns a common repertoire, and at the location you spontaneously get together in quartets to sing the songs. You want to know more:

The dream of every singer comes true, we meet for a whole weekend Afterglow - the "Tag-weekend"!
Up to 30 enthusiastic singers will join together to spontaneously sind Barbershop tags.

Established for the first time in 2019, the A CAPPELLA YOUTHCAMP is designed to inspire young people between the ages of 16 and 25 to Barbershop!