
Male quartet from Dresden and Berlin - established 2015

Hello there!

We are Chord Cracker, a male quartet based in Dresden and Berlin. Karl is our tenor, Robert the lead, Kevin sings bari and Markus shatters the ground with his bass. Barbershop is our passion and with that being said, we love to sing loud, long and high tags, altoughwe don't have to. And when it comes to long tags we always rely on Robert, because his posting-ability is tremedous. We startet singing together in 2015, but added Robert in the beginning of 2018 to the mix and how we loved it since! During the international contest  from the SABS Convention we managed to come out 3rd and it was a blast. It is so much fun for us to sing and spread the joy of this awesome form of music.   

Who we are

Kromer Karl
Blank Robert
Köhl Kevin
Partheymüller Markus

Where to find us