Ladies First

Female chorus from Dortmund - established 1991

Ladies First is a female chorus with about 35 members from the Dortmund region, aged 15 to 72, committed to a-cappella singing in the barbershop style.
Diversity is not only reflected in our age structure, but also in our repertoire, which covers pop, jazz, country, gospel, spiritual and much more. Even traditional German christmas songs get their touch of barbershop in our christmas concerts.

When the sixteen-member ensemble „Just 16“ was founded under the direction of Manfred Adams in Dortmund almost 30 years ago, nobody was expecting the succes story that would follow. Soon there were more than sixteen members and a new name was needed – „Ladies First“ was born!
Starting with a first place at the first German Barbershop Music Festival in 1993, we have climbed the winner’s podium ten times ever since. In 2011, we were awarded with the title „Meisterchor“ of the North-Rhine-Westfalian choral society (Chorverband NRW).

Director: Manfred Adams, Co-Director: Semhar Kinne

Join us

Rehearsals are on Wednesdays
from 19.15 to 22.00

Saarlandstraße 124a
44139 Dortmund