The course program this year includes 46 (!) courses in the areas of Singing, Music, Performance, Directing & Inner Mastery, as well as some special topics.
The offer is extremely diverse and varied and includes courses in English and German, as well as special advance courses for advanced learners.
This great program is made possible by our world-class faculty of 15 international and nine BinG! instructors.

In each of the three workshop choruses, two songs are brought to life and then performed in front of an audience in the grand final concert. Each individual (m/f/d) is expected to prepare extremely well: The songs have to be mastered by heart before the HC. We will provide you with sheet music and learning tracks about 6 weeks before the HC.
Looking forward to ten hours of internsives, entertaining & inspiring rehearsals with you are:
Katie Taylor & Mo Field (Women's chorus), Don Campbell & David McEachern (Men's chorus) und Kim Newcomb & Theo Hicks (Youth(camp)chorus for young people up to 30 years of age).
The singers of the Quartett College are again cordially invited to join the workshop choirs.
Thu 2 pm - Check-In & Coffee (arrival possible from 1 pm)
Thu 3 pm - Welcome
Do 6.45 pm - Coesfeld Cup
Fri 8.15 pm - BinG! general meeting
Sat 8.15 pm - Chorditorium (The stage for all)
Sun 1 pm - Closing concert (until 15.00)