Our arrangers
There are many active musicians in our association who are dedicated to creating barbershop arrangements. Below you will find an overview of the arrangers, a short description and contact information. Our arrangers are looking forward to your request! If you also want to appear on this page, or need help arranging, please contact Kevin Köhl (Kevin.Koehl@barbershop.de).
Contact person for (future) arrangers
If you are already an arranger or would like to start arranging, if you are looking for an arranger for your quartet or choir, if you have questions about the BinG! arrangers, their arrangements or about Kevin, you can contact Kevin directly: kevinkoehl36@googlemail.com.
Who is Kevin Köhl?
Kevin is one of the leading arrangers of the BinG! association and can analyze every tag, no matter how small, in music theory detail. He sings Bariton in two quartets - 4plus and Chord Cracker - and arranges for more than ten years both for these and for other quartets German and English pieces. He was born in 1995 and has been a member of BinG! since 2014.

List of German arrangers
Birgit (Kayser)

Birgit Kayser, *19.4.1952
aktive Barbershopperin seit 1993: Chor- und Quartettsängerin, BinG!-Vorstand, Arrangeurin, Harmony College Dozentin, aktuell Mitarbeit beim BinG!-Polecat-Projekt.
Barbershop-Arrangements seit ca. 20 Jahren, Teilnahme am SAI-Programm „Arrange By Mail“, Besuch mehrerer Arrangierkurse, Arbeit mit BHS- und SAI-Arranging Manuals, einige Auftragsarbeiten, ansonsten Arrangements meiner Lieblingslieder, meist nicht wettbewerbsgeeignet, dennoch 99% Barbershop – knapp 60 Lieder, davon ca. ¼ englisch, Rest deutsch – nein, ein lateinisches!
Neben den fertigen Arrangements habe ich auch schon angefangene Projekte in der virtuellen Schublade, außerdem eine riesige Ideen-Liste mit youtube-Links. Immer wenn ich einen geeigneten Song im Radio höre, kommt er auf den Zettel.
Mehr über mich und meine Arrangements hier: www.4ofb.jimdo.com, ich freue mich auf euren Besuch!
Felix (Lublasser)

Felix discovered barbershop in 2008, and hasn't been able to escape since. If anything, it's actually gotten worse. First, it was only singing. Nowadays, he also dabbles in conducting, arranging and coaching.
He is a long standing member of the Erster Kölner Barbershop Chor (EKBC) and has sung in several successful men's and mixed quartets, partly also in the Dutch barbershop association.
When he's not singing, he lives with his wife and daughter in Aachen, Germany, right by the border tripoint of Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Kevin (Köhl)

Always on my Mind – medium
my first contestable Arrangement, the baritone is pretty high at the end.
Learning Tracks available and sung by Sonny Vande Putte: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lvc9uhR0xsY
Bad Guy – Easy
I have to admit it: I love this song. So while I was driving home and heard this song, I decided to arrange it into a sexy swing version.
Country Roads – medium
a great uptune with a high tag. It’s not contestable, but fun to sing.
Learning tracks are available and done by Flerb’s Robo Quartet.
Family Guy Intro – easy/medium
The title says it all.
Follow Me – medium
a contestable arrangement from Uncle Krackers song. Done in the Coesfeld Cup 2018 by my great friends of KARMA Quartet.
Learning tracks available and done by Flerb’s Robo Quartet.
Grace Kelly – difficult/legendary
I’ve always wanted to do this song, although the lead and the other parts, especially at the end are Vocal Spectrum high. Not contestable. If you can pull this off, I will personally come to you and shake your hand.
I’ve No More F**** To Give – medium/difficult (rangy)
I absolutely fell in LOVE with this song by Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq. Although the lyrics might not be fitting or acceptable for everyone, it has a great rhythm and a lot of Major 7th Chords. Plus, I love the message of this tune – don’t think to much about others, it’s what you do that counts. So with this in mind, like my arrangement or not – I think it’s awesome.
Not contestable at all.
Let’s twist again – easy
A great show opener which I wrote for my non-Barbershop Quartet 4plus, we use it pretty much every show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1m025sLjyI
Not contestable.
Mean ‘Ol Moon – medium
A cute little swinging song from Ted 2, sung by Amanda Seyfried, not contestable.
Learning Tracks available and sung by Antoine Kaisermann.
Old Country Church – medium
Great Uptune with a Solo in each part. I always wanted to arrange a Church Song. Not contestable.
Perfect – medium/difficult
One of my favorite arrangements in this list. I wrote it for my Barbershop Quartet ChordCracker. The baritone is high, but can be switched with the tenor. Not contestable.
Learning Tracks available and sung by Antoine Kaisermann.
Take on Me – easy
I always wanted to arrange this song. As the song itself is rangy and high, the same applies for the tag. Not contestable.
There’s No Business Like Show Business – medium
A great show opener from the movie Sandy Wexler, with a long Tag I’m currently working on, not contestable.
This Old House/When the Saints go marching in Medley – difficult
Originally performed by Ernie Haase and Signature Sound, this arrangement features a low bass (Eb) and solos for tenor, lead (of course) and bari. Not contestable.
Learning Tracks done by Antoine Kaisermann.
Tribute – medium
Based on Tenacious D’s song. It was arranged for Mealstroem (not international) Quartet and is something different. Not contestable.
Winter Wonderland – difficult
A great swinging uptune for the holidays. This is a cover of Michael Bublés version. Not contestable.
Wonderful World (Sam Cooke) – medium/difficult
A contestable arrangement for my Quartet Chord Cracker.
Learning Tracks available and done by Antoine Kaisermann.
Thorsten (Engels)

Hallo, ich bin Thorsten, 37, wohne mit Frau Jules und Katze Rumpel in Leipzig und bin leidenschaftlicher Musiker.
Seit 2016 singe, arrangiere und komponiere ich hauptberuflich für meine Vokalband „Delta Q“.
Dem Barbershop gehört mein Herz seit 2010.
Ich bin Tenor aus Überzeugung, und ich liebe es Arrangement-Wünsche im Barbershop- oder ähnlichen Stilen zu erfüllen.
Darum tue ich dies auch verstärkt für mein gemischtes Goldmedaillen-Quartett „SomeSing“ und für jeden, der sich das von mir wünscht!
Mein Motto: Je personalisierter das Arrangement, desto persönlicher die Musik.
Sende Deinen persönlichen Wunschzettel einfach an meine E-Mail Adresse (thorstenarrangiert@gmail.com).
Liste an Arrangements (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge):
a cappella
ABBA- Medley
Anekdotenbehindert - William Wahl/ Basta
Bart - Eigenkomposition
Beautiful Things - Tori Kelly
But Beautiful - Jazz-Standard, Bass-Solo
Daylight in your eyes - No Angels
Ein Koffer spricht - Kinderlied mit NS-Bezug
Elephant Love Medley - aus dem Film „Moulin Rouge“
Everybody needs Somebody - aus dem Film „Blues Brothers“
Geburtstagsjodler - Margot & Maria Helwig
Happy B - Geburtstagsständchen
Herbstgewitter über Dächern - Reinhard Mey
Ich will nur - Philipp Poisel
I will wait - Mumford and Sons
I wonʼt say Iʼm in love - aus dem Disneyfilm „Hercules“
Letʼs find each other tonight - José Feliciano (Reggae-Version)
Komplex - Eigenkomposition
Krieger des Lichts - Silbermond
Männer muss man loben - Barbara Schöneberger
Münchner Freiheit- Medley
Proud Mary - Tina Turner
Thereʼs a Light - aus der „Rocky Horror Show“
Weinst Du - Echt
Weusʼd a Herz hast wia a Bergwerk - Rainhard Fendrich
Winter- Mashup (Loop-Song) - Lied-Mix über Liebe und Kälte
Youʼre welcome - aus dem Animationsfilm „Vaiana“
On the Sunny Side of the Street - Jazz-Standard
Schön ist es auf der Welt zu sein - Roy Black und Anita
She - Elvis Costello, aus dem Film „Notting Hill“